Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Pop Bottle Ghost

Ok Peeps you might be saying I thought you were supposed to make it from milk cartoons...Well I've seen both. I can't actually find the original post for some reason on Pinterest but I know it was there. So your thinking did it work or not well KIND OF! The kids had fun making them but you can't really see that they are ghost unless your really looking. But again the kids had fun so to me it was worth it. So here's how I did it... For the little kids I cut out eyes and a month taped it to the bottle so all they had to do was color it in with a sharpie, for the older kids (my nieces) I let them draw there own faces.
This is one after they colored it
Then I just took and cut a hole in the back of the bottle to stick the string of white lights in and stuck them outside. As you can see you can't tell what the heck is outside my house but whatever we did it and they had fun so I was a good mom/aunt and stuck their work outside :-)If anyone else has done something like this please share!

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